SWCC’s Accreditation Extended to IEC Certifications

Reflecting its increased organizational scope, the Small Wind Certification Council has obtained accreditation by American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) to certify medium-sized wind turbine models, defined as newly manufactured, electricity-producing wind turbines with a swept area greater than 200 square meters (about 50 kW).

A2LA’s extension grants accreditation for SWCC’s recently expanded Wind Turbine Performance Certification program that provides certified power and acoustic performance for medium wind turbines in accordance with IEC 61400-12-1 (Power) and IEC 61400-11 (Acoustics). In 2012, the Small Wind Certification Council (SWCC) obtained ISO Guide 65:1996 accreditation from A2LA to certify small wind turbines to AWEA Standard 9.1-2009.