MWT Certification Process Details


ICC-SWCC certifies medium wind turbines to select IEC 61400 standards in accordance with the ICC-SWCC Rules for Wind Turbine Listing Reports.  Applicants may select one or more of the following: IEC 61400-12-1 (Power Performance), IEC 61400-11 (Acoustic Performance), and/or IEC 61400-1 (Design).  Medium Wind Turbines are defined by ICC-SWCC as electricity-producing, distributed (behind the meter) wind turbines with a peak power between 150 and 300 kW.  Certifications address power performance, acoustics and safety.  They are confined to the turbine itself, and do not include the tower or foundation.  They also do not include electrical safety to standards, such as UL 6142, which must be listed separately by a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL).

1)  Preliminary Review

Before formally applying certification, ICC-SWCC requires a Preliminary Review. During this review, ICC-SWCC’s Certification Commission reviews the turbine configuration to confirm eligibility and determines the applicable tests and analyses necessary for certification.  If new testing is planned, the testing organization and site are also reviewed.  Any previous test reports and engineering analyses are evaluated for applicability to a certification.  Upon receipt of all requested information, the Certification Commission conducts an evaluation and determines whether the turbine is eligible for certification, and under what conditions.  To request a Preliminary Review, applicants should submit a Preliminary Review Application Form.

NOTE: ICC-SWCC advises all applicants to complete a Preliminary Review before any testing to ensure that test plans conform to all requirements. 

2) Application

If approved during the Preliminary Review, the next step is the submission of a formal application for certification.  The required testing, analyses determined in the Preliminary Review are formalized in a Certification Agreement between the applicant and ICC-SWCC. The agreement details the specific turbine, type of certification, submittals (test reports, documentation and analyses), site for any testing, and certification fees. After the Applicant signs and returns the Certification Agreement, the Applicant can choose to allow ICC-SWCC to publicly identify the Applicant’s name and turbine model and be listed on the ICC-SWCC website.

3) Testing

If testing is required, the manufacturer then proceeds with the testing as described in the Certification Agreement.  Applicants may choose to use testing laboratories that are accredited or non-accredited to ISO 17025. Where a non-accredited testing organization is selected, ICC-SWCC must conduct a test site evaluation. It involves an in-person review of the testing fixtures, sensors and procedures once the turbine is installed at the test site and ready for testing. Test site evaluations are conducted by ICC-SWCC staff or qualified third-party inspectors. The applicant is responsible for fees and costs associated with test site evaluations. All testing costs are the responsibility of the applicant and must be paid directly to the testing laboratory.  Once any test site inspection requirements have been met, ICC-SWCC awaits their completion and submission of the completed test report to continue with the application.

4) Certification

Upon receipt of all required test reports, analyses and fees specified in the Certification Agreement, ICC-SWCC staff and the Certification Commission conduct a review for compliance with the standards. ICC-SWCC Certification Commission is convened to make the final recommendation regarding certification.  If the outcome is positive, ICC-SRCC staff drafts certification documents.  They include a Summary Report, Certificate and Consumer-Friendly Label (which must be included in the manufacturer’s manual).  All are then posted on the ICC-SWCC directory located on its website for public use.

5) Renewal and Inspections

ICC-SWCC Wind Turbine Certifications are valid for a period of one year after approval. 90 days prior to the expiration, certification holders are sent a self-evaluation form and a renewal application form. When certification holder completes and returns the renewal application, self-evaluation form and annual renewal fees, the renewal is sent to the ICC-SWCC Certification Commission for review. If approved, the certification is renewed for another year. The process is repeated annually.

Inspections of the production facilities and Quality Management System are required within one year of the initial award of a new certification.  Periodic surveillance inspections are required every two years thereafter.  The inspections are reviewed and considered as part of the annual renewal process.